Vår {18 months}

The gorgeous, smiley Vår is my niece.  No, not really, but in my mind, she is my little niece.  In reality, we are related so slightly that it’s almost not even existent.  Anne, her mother, and I have the same great-great-grandparents in Norway.  My great-grandmother emigrated to the United States while her great-grandfather remained in Norway.  Anne Berit and Petter are our closest friends and confidants.  We travel together in the summer, have a girls’ weekend in Paris every December, and we go to their house in Norway for Christmas every year.  This year we did a lovely trip to Motovun, Croatia where we did Vår’s 18 month photos.  How gorgeous is she wandering the empty streets of Motovun?  Whew!  I just love them and it was such a joy to photograph her with her parents.



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