Hadley {One Year}

Joe and Lisa are old friends.  Well, not old, but friends from many years ago.  We met ages ago in Colorado, years later we visited North Carolina and Alabama with them,  and in September they came to visit us from their home in Germany.  What a great visit!!  We hadn’t seen them since the birth of their first born almost six years ago.  Now, years later, I was able to capture the images of their third born on her first birthday.  Could this family be any cuter?  With gorgeous outfits, beautiful girls, and handsome boys, they were an absolute dream to photograph!  And it was just lovely to reminisce over a few German beers and Italian Prosecco.  This weekend, we will return the favor, as we barge into their home to enjoy some German Christmas markets.  Cheers to good friends, great times, and fond memories.2013-12-16_00012013-12-16_00022013-12-16_00032013-12-16_00042013-12-16_00052013-12-16_00062013-12-16_00072013-12-16_0008

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