The Wells Family

The Wells Family must hold the record for the shortest overseas move.  I met Kanaan when she took my photography class last fall as she shared her love for photography.  I got to know Madelynn and Anastynn through Kanaan’s thoughtfully captured images.  When she contacted me to do a family session before they moved back to the United States, I was shocked!  After just a few short months in Italy, the Wells Family was returning home.


We met in Bassano del Grappa on a frigidly cold Saturday just days before the flew to the United States. The girls were real troopers as we walked around the gorgeous town. What a wonderful day and I’m so glad I got to meet the Wells Family in their short duration in Italy. Buon viaggio!


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Jess - March 22, 2013 - 1:23 pm

Amazing photos! So gorgeous.