Leyra {9 months}

Tatsiana and Ali met in Denver years ago. Visiting the United States for a summer internship, Tatsiana was a far away from her home in Belarus. Ali had lived in the US for years. Now they call Italy home with their gorgeous new daughter Leyra which I had the pleasure to photography on her nine month birthday.

Everytime I see their photos, I smile. I’m a better person for having known all three of them. Good luck on your future adventures!

We even had a visitor come check out what we were doing. A very curious pup wondered why we were in his vineyard for the evening. Luckily he made Leyra smile, which is all we want anyway.

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Dana - September 15, 2012 - 8:52 am

I’ve been stalking your Facebook & now the blog … This is very lovely work!
I’ve signed up for the Photo Walk, so we’ll meet then.
Ps. It was through Amber M. that I first saw your work.